Evacuation advisory services

Evacuations are just one small element of the procedure which must function when a hospital or clinic is faced with an emergency situation. The bigger challenge is to answer the following questions: What happens after the evacuation? How can additional personnel provide help? Where will evacuated patients be housed? How can medical care be ensured in this location? How can I get hold of the required beds, clothing, milk for babies, etc.? Our evacuation advisory service answers all of these questions.

The objective of our evacuation advisory service is to ensure that you have a fully developed, functioning evacuation concept for any possible event which could occur on your premises. Our evacuation advisory service can be divided into three phases:

  1. In the first phase we will visit you to jointly inspect the current situation and your premises. In addition to this, we will also gather information regarding the needs of individual departments and clinic management. This phase takes one to three days to complete.
  2. In the second phase we will compile an evacuation concept. We expect this to take around three to four weeks.
  3. In the third phase we will visit you to present the newly developed evacuation concept and to discuss it together. This phase takes one to three days to complete.
Our evacuation advisory service is aimed at fire prevention officers, safety officers and individuals who are responsible for carrying out evacuations in hospitals, clinics and childcare centres.
For preparation purposes please send us all risk documentation, building plans, department plans, etc. which are already available. This will allow us to ensure that we can provide you with the best possible evacuation advice and work more efficiently during the visit.
Ideally one or two members of staff at your institution should be available for the entire duration of the process. In addition to this, departmental and clinic heads should be available during certain phases of the process.
How long it takes to complete our evacuation advisory process depends on the size of your clinic or hospital. We expect it to take between three and five days, spread across Phases 1 to 3 (see description above).
Our evacuation advisory service is provided on your premises.

Our evacuation advisory service is provided by David Selinger, Rahel Frey or Roland Joho. Meet our team.

Our fees and expenses for provision of evacuation advice may vary depending on the size of your institution and the standard of existing evacuation planning. We would therefore be happy to provide you with an individualised quotation. Please contact us to request one.

This consulting service is offered exclusively in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

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